Posts tagged with sign-ups

Repairs: Logout, Avatar Echo, Uploads

Today onMason administrators have completed the following essential system repairs. You can now logout without any error from the site front page ( You can now upload media to your site and link it without encountering any errors. Your User Avatar (if assigned) will now properly echo on the onMason front page when you sign […]

Now in 36 Languages

Today onMason has initiated support for 36 languages within the blogging system. Users can select a language when they create their account. If you already have an account or would like to change your language at some future date, the option can be accessed in your dashboard under the Settings tab from the General link.

Add Users

We’ve activated the ability to add users to your blog as subscribers, writers, administrators, etc…  Right now this feature is under testing as we consider it for use. Please report any bad or exceptionally good experiences you have using the feature.  You can access the add user function from the Add New link under the […]

Assign Your Own Password

New sign-ups for onMason will now be able to assign their own password when they create their account.

TOS Now Required for Signup

All future blog sign-ups will be required to agree to the Terms of Service before activating their account.  Please note, that any current accounts are still covered by the Terms of Service, which is available through the onMason front page.