onMason Downtime Update

Hello onMason users,

As you are aware, the onMason system has been experiencing some unexpected downtime over the last few days. We’ve been able to track the problem down to issues with our server’s firewall, which have proved temporarily resolvable.

The team at the Office of Student Media has been working hard to find the cause of the problem, however, we have not isolated the exact issue that has been causing the repeated periods of downtime.

Due to continuing problems with our server firewall, there may be further downtime until the system regains full stability.

In order to remain updated on the situation, we advise you to check our Twitter feed at http://twitter.com/onmason. We are also working with DoIT and Learning Support Services to have outage alerts visible on other Mason sites as well as help provide you with a point of contact for any questions you might have. You should e-mail the onMason team with any questions at gmustudentmedia@gmail.com.

Remember the onMason platform is maintained by The Office of Student Media at GMU. ITU does not support the platform and will not be able to answer most questions you have. If you have any issues with the system while it is running, please file a support ticket. If you need to contact someone while the system is down use the e-mail above.

We will keep you notified as we resolve the issue.

– The onMason Team

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